
The Department of Public Safety is a certified law enforcement agency established under The Official Code of Georgia Annotated. The School Resource Officer program is a nationally accepted program that places law enforcement officers within local schools. The school resource officer initiative is designed to increase the rapport between students and police officers and to establish the school resource officer as a source of information on criminal law and public safety information for students, staff, administrators, and parents.

School resource officers utilize expertise and training in law enforcement to foster a better understanding of legal issues and the judicial process. S.R.O.s work to reduce school violence by enforcing violations of the law occurring on school property, by informing students of the dangers of substance abuse, by introducing programs that will promote and enhance acceptable social behavior, and by serving as positive role models.

The mission of the DeKalb County School District – Department of Public Safety is to provide professional, fair and effective police services consistent with the laws and needs of our District. We are dedicated to developing a partnership between law enforcement and the school community that ensures a safe and secure learning environment free of violence, weapons, and drugs.
Our goal is to provide a positive law enforcement influence that concentrates on safety and security, encourages partnerships between school district administrators, teachers, parents and students, as well as fosters education so that every student can reach their fullest potential.

Our motto is “Education is not achieved without a safe environment” because the “The school cannot live apart from the community.”

  • Our goal is to establish a safe environment for the learning process and eliminate barriers between our youth and police.
  • To enhance safety in and around schools in the DeKalb School District through the development and implementation of safety measures and programs.
  • To enhance the learning environment for students within the DeKalb School District through anti-bullying programs and other measures.
  • To provide a high level of police service to the DeKalb School District and neighborhoods surrounding schools.
  • To reduce juvenile crime and gang activity in the community.
  • To increase school attendance by helping students with the presence of peer pressure and the challenges of teenage life by giving classes through the G.R.E.A.T. Program and Youth Crime Watch of America.
  • To build trust and a positive relationship with students as well as provide students counseling and advice on potential problems involving police.


Campus Supervisors are an integral part of the Department of Public Safety. Under the direction of the Director of Public Safety, campus supervisors monitor campus activities, assist school administrators and provide a safe learning environment.
  • Campus Supervisors Coordinator
  • 678.676.2145
  • 404.676.1917 (Fax)
The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is comprised of gang investigators and detectives. Under the direction of the Director of Public Safety, the unit is responsible for investigating felony and misdemeanor crimes. The unit also monitors and investigates gang activity.
  • Sergeant K. Hughes
  • 678.676.1810
  • 404.676.1917 (Fax)
Crossing guards promote student safety while overseeing the crossing of students at designated crosswalks. They monitor the flow of traffic to determine any risk of unsafe behaviors before allowing students to cross the street. Crossing guards verbally instruct students to look for turning vehicles once conditions are safe to step into the crosswalk and report safety risks and violations of the law to police.
  • 678.676.1810
  • 404.676.1917 (Fax)
The DeKalb County Schools Department of Public Safety Emergency Response Team (E.R.T) is a specialized unit trained to respond to all emergencies. They are prepared to respond to natural disasters and high risk situations that interrupt the normal operations of schools. Their mission is to safely resolve all situations.
  • Commander Craig Blakley
    ERT Commander & Training Coordinator
  • 678.676.1810
  • 404.676.1917 (Fax)
  • Investigator Jarvis Brown
  • 678.676.1810
  • 404.676.1917 (Fax)
The Office of Professional Standards investigates incidents and plausible suspicions of law breaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force. Under the direction of the Director of Public Safety, the Internal Affairs Unit is an office of unparalleled integrity that provides effective control and behavior accountability through comprehensive proactive and reactive investigations and adjudications of misconduct. Internal Affairs is dedicated to providing superior investigative services to the DeKalb School Police Department to preserve the quality of life that our citizens and visitors enjoy.
  • Detective Robert Hudson
  • 678-676-2186
The Safe Schools Unit, under the direction of the Director of Public Safety, is responsible for conducting school audits. School audits are designed to measure student and staff knowledge of school drills. The team monitors compliance with school crisis and natural disaster protocols.


  • Review Safe School Plans
  • Conduct Safe School Audits
  • Conduct Lockdown Drills
  • Provide Safety Management and Support throughout School District
  • Kenneth Gilstrap
  • Arnold Walker
  • Fredrick Johnson
  • Roderick Wilkerson
  • 678.676.1810
  • 404.676.1917 (Fax)

Command Staff

  • Tracey Whaley
    Executive Director of Public Safety
  • 678.676.1810
  • 678.676.2149 (Fax)
  • Africa Green
    Executive Administrative Assistant
  • 678.676.2148
  • 678.676.2149 (Fax)
  • Lieutenant Vacant
  • 678.873.8921