
The vital task of preparing students to become citizens in a democracy is complex. The social studies disciplines are diverse, encompassing an expansive range of potential content. This content engages students in a comprehensive process of confronting multiple dilemmas, and encourages students to speculate, think critically, and make personal and civic decisions on information from multiple perspectives. As supported by the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework, social studies prepares students for their postsecondary futures, including the disciplinary practices and literacies needed for college-level work in social studies academic courses, and the critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative skills needed for the workplace.


Students are assessed in social studies in multiple ways. The purpose of each assessment is to inform instruction and prove student mastery. Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to show evidence of their learning through formative and summative assessments. Social studies assessments includes:
  • Teacher-developed assessments
  • District unit assessments
  • Quarterly district-wide benchmark assessments
  • Georgia Department of Education End of the Grade (EOG) in Grade 8
  • Georgia Department of Education End of the Course (EOC) in United State History


The Department of K-12 Curriculum and Instruction distributes information on various contests and competitions for schools throughout the year. Yearly national, state, and local contents and competitions include:
  • Social Studies Fair
  • National History Day
  • United States Senate Youth Program
  • Governor’s Honors Program


  • Ms. Victoria Streiff
    Social Studies Coordinator
  • 678.676.0312
  • 1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd.
    Stone Mountain, GA 30083