Free and Reduced Meal Applications
NOTICE: Please contact the Free & Reduced Supervisor at 678-676-1777 should you have any questions.
Prior Year Application (Carryover of Eligibility):
A child’s eligibility from the previous school year is carried into the current school year for up to 30 operating days, beginning on the first operating day of school.
Applications can be submitted at any time during the school year and will be processed as quickly as possible. A new application must be submitted each year. The United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services Department has translated the state prototype Free and Reduced Price School Meal Family Application into 33 other languages.
If you are unable to use this site in the provided languages (English and Spanish) please contact the Free & Reduced Supervisor at 678-676-1777.
Verification Process- We must verify eligibility of children from a random sampling pool which uses the total number of approved applications on file for the current school year. The sample pool depends on the number of approved applications, paper or electronic, and is not based on the number of children eligible for free and reduced price benefits. Direct Certification is the determination of eligibility for free meal benefits based on documentation obtained from the appropriate State or local agency or other authorized individuals.Free & Reduced Meals Application Translations
Amharic | Arabic | Bengali | Burmese | Chinese | French | Hindi | Karen | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Swahili | Telugu | Tigrinya | Vietnamese
Free and Reduced Frequent Asked Questions
The Community Eligibility Program (C.E.P) is a new alternative to the traditional meal application process as outlined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). All students enrolled in a CEP school are eligible to receive a healthy school breakfast and school lunch at No Cost each day. (USDA CEP Guidelines)
What does it mean for you and any siblings attending another DeKalb County School? What does it mean for you and your children attending the CEP school? Your Child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without paying for meals or submitting a Free & Reduced Lunch Application. No further action is required of you. If your child (ren) leaves the CEP school and enroll in another DeKalb County School he or she will need to submit a new application to the School Nutrition Manager as soon as your child is enrolled at the new school. You have 10 days to submit a new application.
If you have child (ren) attending another DeKalb County School(s) and one school is a CEP and the other school is not; you will need to submit a Free and Reduced Application to the School Nutrition Manager for the child attending the school that is not participating in the CEP Program.
School Nutrition Services P-EBT Update:
Department of Human Services, Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS), has administered Georgia’s Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Cards program. The P-EBT program is not operated or funded by DeKalb County School District. DFCS obtained Free or Reduced Meal data from local school districts to determine family eligibility for P-EBT based on the 2020-2021 school year. If families were not determined eligible for Free or Reduced Meals during 2020-2021, local school districts cannot certify Free and Reduced eligibility status for school year 2020-2021.
DeKalb County School District has submitted all requested Free and Reduced Meal data for eligibility purposes. If families have questions about their 2020-2021 Free and Reduced Meal Application status, they should email DCSD School Nutrition Services at or contact School Nutrition Services, Free and Reduced Department at 678-676-1777. If families have questions about the P-EBT program, they should contact DFCS at 855-501-4636 or access the Pandemic-EBT webpage using the following link: