I Love DeKalb Schools
Attention Dekalb County School District students, staff, and families!
Submit a 45 second or less video on social media or visit dekalbschoolsga.org/ilovedcsd and tell us in 50 words or less why you love Dekalb schools! use the hashtag #ILoveDCSD.
Questions? Email: communications@dekalbschoolsga.org
It takes a village for a community to thrive! That’s why we’re celebrating the heartbeat of DeKalb County School District (DCSD) – our staff, students, families, and alumni because we’re proud, DCSD PROUD. Our culture is rich, authentic, strong, and we’re on the rise!
Official Campaign Rules
- The “I Love DeKalb Schools” (ILDS) campaign starts Monday, April 9, 2018 at 12:01AM and ends Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 11:59PM.
- In order to be eligible, all entries must:
- Be submitted during the submission window
- Include the hashtag #iLoveDCSD if submitted via social media
- Be submitted from a public post or profile on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter; Entries can also be submitted on the ILDS website at dekalbschoolsga.org/ilovedcsd
- By submitting an entry, the participant agrees to allow DeKalb County School District (DCSD) to republish or share copies of the entry in promotion of the district.
- Only one entry allowed per person.
- Ten winners will be selected by a committee involving DCSD staff, parents and students. Winners will be selected by May 30, 2018.
- Entries will be judged based on originality, enthusiasm, presentation, clarity and best representation of the ILDS campaign. The Committee will rate the submissions using a scoring rubric.
- Winners will be notified using the contact information included in their online submission or by direct message on social media. If DCSD does not receive a response from the winner within 10 days after notification, the Committee will select the next highest scoring entry.
- In addition to swag, some winners will also be featured on future promotional materials for DCSD, including billboards, advertisements and more.
- Participants must be affiliated with the school district in some way (i.e. you work with DCSD, your child attends schools with DCSD, you are a DCSD graduate or alumni etc.)
- No purchase necessary to win. DCSD reserves the right to withdraw or disallow any entry for any reason, including violations of its Board Policy and Georgia Law.
I Love DeKalb Schools Logo
The I Love DeKalb Schools logo has a collegiate feel that is clean, appealing, and directly speaks to our vision and mission. The apple represents our teachers, but we’re also sending the message that not only do we have BIG hearts in DCSD, but our entire community is the “heartbeat” of DeKalb. In other words, we’re in this journey TOGETHER.
Download the I Love DeKalb Schools logo to use for your website, social media, or to add to your favorite marketing item such as a t-shirt, poster, or button!

I Love DeKalb Schools Ads
I Love DeKalb Schools will be an ongoing campaign that tells our story. These unique narratives will be told in television, outdoor billboards, print, and digital mediums as we celebrate our journey, our success, and our pride. Whether it’s alumni who returned to teach our students, or the students who inspire us to give our best, we love DeKalb Schools, and we want to tell the world about it!
I Love DeKalb Schools
Magazine Ads
I Love DeKalb Schools
Billboard Ads
Be a Heartbeat
Why Do You Love DeKalb Schools?
“I love DeKalb Schools because I was able to count on my teachers and coaches as a student at Columibia High School when my home environment failed to support or nourish me. Now, I can be that for the students as a Paraprofessional at Lakeside High School!” -Shamikah W.
“I love DeKalb Schools because I work here with amazing people, parents and students! I have 4 children in the district and I was also a student in DeKalb County Schools! We are a great place to live and learn!” -Keisha B. M.
“Working for DCSD, I have come to appreciate the support from the leadership. We are continually offered training for growth, opportunities for learning, and chances for networking with our fellow employees. The continued support makes for happy and motivated teachers and staff. The positive result transfers to student achievement.” -Kim C.
“As I reflect on the “I Love Dekalb” theme this year, I cannot articulate the amazing feeling of being able to give back to the very community that began my life-long love of learning, developing and serving. More than 30 years later, this school’s atmosphere has the same feel of unwavering love and support for students, staff and families. I have witnessed an ‘all hands on deck’ approach to beginning the school year and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to be a part of this. As a child, I was bussed to this school via the school district’s Minority to Majority (M & M) program and distinctly remember being different from those around me. However, the faculty and staff may me feel just as important and valuable as everyone else. I had an amazing experience at this school as a child and I am thoroughly enjoying supporting here as a leader in the district. I just wanted to share one reason why I LOVE DeKalb!” –Watina April, E.L. Miller Elementary School
Want to share your unique experiences and memories on why you love DeKalb Schools?
Inspire others by giving your testimony!
I Love DeKalb Schools (Full Promo)
I Love DeKalb Schools (30 second commercial)
I Love DeKalb Schools (30 second commercial- SPANISH)
I Love DeKalb Schools (15 second commercial)
Storm Reid Loves DeKalb Schools