The Retirement Department provides employees with the opportunity to participate in the State Retirement Plans, Board Sponsored Tax-Sheltered Annuity program, and voluntary retirement savings programs. This section offers in-depth resources to help you learn about the retirement programs available or assist in the retirement process.
Teachers Retirement System (TRS)
TRS members who are eligible for retirement should consider attending one of the TRS Information Meetings offered at the DCSD Division of Human Resources.
Several meetings are held each year. Dates and times of these meetings are communicated to district employees via newsflash.
Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS)
PSERS members who are eligible for retirement should consider attending one of the PSERS Information Meetings offered at the DCSD Division of Human Resources.
Several meetings are held each year. Dates and times of these meetings are communicated to district employees via newsflash.
Optional Supplemental Tax-Sheltered Retirement Plans (TSA)
DeKalb County School District offers all employees the option to contribute to a 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity and a 457 deferred compensation plan. Employee contributions may be excluded from taxable income up to limits as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service.
For step-by-step instructions on how to begin contributions to an Optional Tax-Sheltered Annuity plan, visit the Employee Portal and download the TSA 403(b) Optional Payroll Deduction Form.
For step-by-step instructions on how to apply for retirement with TRS, visit the Employee Portal.
Tax Sheltered Annuities
2% Match/Enrollment
The Supplemental Retirement 2% Match Program is a tax deferred savings program where the DCSD Board of Education contributes 2% of an employee’s base salary into a 403(b)-account held with one of the four BOE approved optional Investment and Retirement Providers – Fidelity, EMPOWER, Corebridge, and VOYA.
To participate in the 2% match program, an employee must meet the following criteria:
Employees must apply during open enrollment periods throughout the year. Notification is sent district wide to employees during open enrollment.
Tax Sheltered Annuities
For the current year’s IRS published guidelines on IRS Limitations for 403(b) annual contributions and catch-up contributions, please consult the IRS website under Topic Index: Retirement Topics – 403(b) Contribution Limits
DCSD Supplemental Retirement Plan for PSERS participants
DeKalb County School District establishes a Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) – 403(B) Account for all employees in the Public School Employee Retirement Plan. DeKalb County School District contributes 8% of the eligible employees’ gross salary to a TSA account for each employee through Fidelity Investments.
Optional Supplemental Retirement – 403(b)/457 Plans
Optional Supplemental Retirement is a tax deferred savings program in which the DCSD Board of Education allows employees through pre-tax payroll deduction to enroll into an individual supplemental Tax Sheltered Annuity 403(b)/457 retirement plan. Employees can enroll at any time.
Employees can sign up with any of the following four (4) retirement investment firms:
Employees can contact a DCSD Retirement Specialist for a list of representatives from each Investment Firm.