Girls Who Game Summer Program
June 3 – June 14, 2024 | Grades 6-8
Location: Fernbank Elementary School
Description: Girls Who Game (GWG) is an initiative focused on increasing scholars’ access to technology to prepare them for success in a digital world. This summer program provides students the opportunity to work collaboratively to focus on building global competencies and computational thinking using Minecraft: Education Edition. Scholars will research and work with scientists at Fernbank Science Center to design a virtual space in Minecraft. Please click this link to read about the 2022 GWG summer experience:
For more information please contact:
Andrea Wright, STEM Coordinator: andrea_d_wright@dekalbschoolsga.org or (678) 676-0240
Social Media: @dcsdstem @FernbankScience @dcsdctae #GirlsWhoGame