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Our Program

The nation is facing a critical shortage of qualified educators.  Education Week predicted that there were more than 36,000 classrooms nationwide without a certified teacher last school year, and more than 163,000 teachers were not prepared for the subject they taught.  The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) found that the number of students earning an undergraduate degree in education dropped from 200,000 annually in the early 1970s to less than 90,000 in 2018-19. Additionally, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an overall decline in undergraduate enrollment, which has further contributed to declining participation in teacher preparation programs.

The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) can no longer wait on colleges and universities to prepare the needed workforce to supply Districts with high-quality, highly qualified teachers. To fill vacancies in critical areas and ensure a quality education for every student, the District has created its own teacher pipeline by establishing formal partnerships with high-quality Educator Preparation Program Providers (EPP). This provider, in collaboration with the District, has created an opportunity for talented individuals to complete a clearly articulated, no-cost, District-sponsored Teacher Residency Program.

  • Teacher residency programs are fast-tracked alternative pathways for prospective educators who already hold a bachelor’s degree to become teachers of record. Teacher residencies offer a rigorous, full-year apprenticeship with master-level skills and practices, focusing on data-driven instructional practices. Unlike other alternative models, Teacher Residents work alongside a certified Mentor Teacher for one year.

Teacher of record with coaching support.

middle ga state university

Middle Georgia State University’s vision is to be the regional leader in preparing informed, caring, and professional graduates who will transform our social world. Every day, we work toward our goals of engaging students in the lifelong processes of learning, discovery, and application of knowledge.

The Department of Teacher Education is playing a key role in educational innovations and improvements in our area. Through the outstanding work of our faculty, staff, and students, we are helping to improve the lives of people in Middle Georgia, the nation, and the world. We invite you to explore our well-regarded programs in Elementary and Special Education (dual certification) and Secondary Education, as well as our Master of Arts in Teaching, leading to initial teacher certification while you earn your Master’s Degree.

University Support

Enrollment Specialist  Margo Woodham, Assistant Vice President for Admissions  margo.woodham@mga.edu 
University Recruiter  Joshua Arthur, Recruiter  margo.woodham@mga.edu 
General Questions about University  MGA Team  IGNITEDCSD@mga.edu 

  • Free Master’s Degree, including books and certification exams.
  • $30,000 living stipend.
  • Fully certified teacher-of-record year 2 @ $57,000.
  • Sustainable program with coaching, support, and cohort model.