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September 5, 2023

Unity, Achievement, and Responsibility

Welcome back from what I hope was a wonderful Labor Day holiday weekend where you found time to relax and recharge. I trust you had a chance to create special memories with your loved ones during this well-deserved break.

I continue to be amazed by the phenomenal things going on in our schools! We see engagement, growth, and excitement in so many ways. Today, I'm thrilled to share some outstanding news: Smoke Rise Elementary and Tucker Middle have earned H-PRIDE certifications! These schools have affirmed their unwavering commitment to the core values that drive our collective efforts to benefit our students, staff, families, and community partners. Congratulations!

Speaking of advancing our mission, we are fortunate to have a Board of Education that helps us achieve success in countless ways. Their innovative ideas and collaborative spirit contribute significantly to our shared vision of enhancing support for our scholars and pursuing excellence. I am immensely grateful for such fantastic thought partners who are always ready to work collaboratively towards a brighter future for our students.

While I enjoy using this weekly communication to share the many great things occurring across the DeKalb County School District, I must also use this opportunity to address difficult situations affecting our community. 

We lost three Lakeside High School students in an automobile accident early Monday morning. Our heartfelt condolences and support have been extended to the loved ones of those lost and strength to the survivors of this tragedy. Throughout this week and beyond, our District will have grief counseling and other resources available for students and staff who may need these support services.

Last week, Chapel Hill Elementary School students witnessed two parents board their bus and assault the driver. The bus driver was seriously injured in this senseless attack and is recovering.

Violence has no place in our schools or on any Board property. I realize this incident does not represent the overwhelming number of our loyal families and community partners. Should you ever find yourself in a situation that you believe needs to be addressed by school officials, please remember that our administrators are available to help.

As always, thank you for your partnership with our schools and District. I look forward to informing you of more updates over the coming weeks.  

Dr. Devon Q. Horton
Superintendent DeKalb County School District

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Hitting the Road with Horton: Smoke Rise ES Tucker MS
El Superintendente Dr. Horton, en colaboración con los miembros de la Junta Escolar, organizó una mesa redonda en las instalaciones de las escuelas Smoke Rise Elementary School y Tucker Middle School con el objetivo de atender las necesidades y recibir sugerencias tanto de los docentes como de los estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad.
Parents enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, getting to know their children's teachers and the goals of each subject. Here's a brief summary of what happened in this wonderful meeting.
Los padres de los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Dresden disfrutaron de una tarde amena en la que tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a los profesores de sus hijos y comprender los objetivos de cada materia. A continuación, les presentamos un breve resumen de los acontecimientos de esta maravillosa reunión.
Mira el Video: De visita en … Snapfinger Elementary School y Columbia Middle School
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