Special Interest Magnet (Middle)
The Special Interest Magnet Program offers a unique and rigorous educational experience for students to be immersed into mathematics, science, world language, technology, and/or arts fields of their interest. Activities promote higher order thinking opportunities for students to excel. Each Special Interest Magnet school focuses on one or more magnet pathway. Students must adhere to the written continuation guidelines .
- Grades: 6—8
- Eligibility
- Reside within any DeKalb County School District Attendance Zone
- 3.0 or higher overall GPA as of the previous school year
*Some programs require additional application processes as explained on each school’s website.
- Selection Process
- Random Lottery or Audition
- Lottery Pools
- Home Attendance Area Pool
- Columbia Middle School only
- At Large
- Schools
- Columbia Middle School
- DeKalb Arts Academy (audition)
- Articulation Feeder:
- Columbia Middle School students matriculate to Columbia High School automatically.
- DeKalb Arts Academy students do not automatically matriculate to any school.
- Continuation Guidelines:
- Students must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA.
- 71% or higher in all core subjects.
- Promotion to the next grade level.
- Students who fail to meet the continuation guidelines or no longer wish to enroll in Magnet program courses will have to enroll in their home attendance area school.