Arabia Mountain, Cedar Grove, Columbia, Redan and Columbia High Schools have new turf fields and tracks along with Druid Hills Middle and McNair Middle. (Photos by Mark Brock)
The DeKalb County School District is investing in its high school athletics programs with turf and track renovations to improve local schools’ ability to compete at even higher levels as part of the E-SPLOST V of 2020.
Seven new turf fields and six-lane tracks are already installed at Arabia Mountain, Cedar Grove, Columbia, Druid Hills Middle, McNair Middle, Redan and Southwest DeKalb. Tucker is nearing completion with Dunwoody and Clarkston not far behind as we close in on August football practice.
Deluxe Athletics was awarded the contract for the final 11 high schools with projects getting underway at Miller Grove and Martin Luther King Jr. High Schools.

New fields getting used as we head into the fall athletic seasons. (Photos by Mark Brock)
Projects at Lithonia and Lakeside are also soon to get underway as Deluxe plans to do three to four schools at a time over a four-month period and move on to the next group of schools until the projects are completed.
The current schedule for the individual schools is in the following order:
1-Miller Grove High School
2-Martin Luther King JR High School
3-Lithonia High School
4-Lakeside High School
5-Cross Keys High School
6-Stephenson High School
7-Stone Mountain High School
8-Ronald E McNair High School
9-Towers High School
10-Druid Hills High School
11-Chamblee High School

New six-lane tracks and field event sections to help improve practice time. (Photos by Mark Brock)
The schedule for completion is approximately 4 months from beginning to end at each school depending on the weather.
Deluxe will have 4 phases for the turf fields; mass grading, drainage, synthetic turf installation, and final seaming.
All fields are designed to accommodate football, soccer and boys’ and girls’ lacrosse. The tracks are six lanes and have accommodations for long jump, high jump, discus and shot put.